Circles of Angels
How you can call your own circle of angels to energize your life
By Nora M Spurgin
This little book about circles of angels is not only to inform and inspire; it is a manual on how to work with angel powers. It is for you, the readers, to know that you can invite your own circle of angels to surround and work with you. It is the angels’ announcement that they are waiting to help you. It is for you to know their presence and their anticipation of your calling on them. Invisibly surrounding you, they know that this is the moment for humanity’s spiritual birth. They eagerly long for your commission. Like many of us, they await the time when we will no longer “see through a glass darkly, but face to face.” (I Corinthians 13:12). In turn, we will help the angels find their own fulfillment and joy in serving God’s earthly family. May this book open the angels’ gift to you. It is a gift that will never end. Your circle of angels can be your enduring companion—bringing joy and goodness throughout your life. Call those who seek only goodness to surround you.
About the Author:
Nora Spurgin, MSW, is a psychotherapist who has always held a special interest in the empowerment and healing she believes is available to us through spiritual sources centered upon God. In A Circle of Angels, she shares her thoughts and personal experiences in tapping the spiritual energy provided by angels. Ms. Spurgin is also a public speaker and author and editor of numerous books and journals. She recently wrote Insights into Afterlife, a book of questions and answers on life after death. In it she assures those who fear death and comforts those who are grieving the loss of a loved one. She helps us all prepare for the inevitable journey ahead.