My Life of Faith: A Memoir by Therese Stewart
This memoir documents the remarkable life of faith of Therese Stewart. There is much here for all of us, of whatever faith, to learn from. Her words offer inspiration and illumination for the reader’s own spiritual path. The narrative portion of this volume describes the many aspects of her life of faith. The reader will learn how she faced every challenge with humility, grace, and determination.
Also included in this book is a selection of letters, reflections, testimonies, and other writings, as well as numerous photographs documenting her life with family, colleagues, and friends. All in all, the collection is a veritable treasure trove waiting for readers to open and enjoy.
With a humble, vulnerable heart, Therese Stewart has shared deeply about the path she chose in life. Through reading her memoir, the reader can perceive a remarkable life of faith, service, sacrifice, and love. At the same time, all the doubts and questioning that comes with being human are brought to light.
Therese Stewart’s stories and writings are intimate, engaging, educational and serve as a primer on spiritual growth.
~ Ann Hoover, Campus Minister, Cornell University
238 pages
ISBN: 978-1716143830